Friday, December 25, 2009

What's Going On Here?

So, what's going on here?

Every day (if not, almost every day) I will be letting you in on what sounds are coming through my speakers, headphones, amplifiers, etc. Whether it be records I've just heard for the first time or records I've been listening to since my ears can remember, my opinions will be shared.

I absolutely love how music can take control of the imagination. Records that transport us to different realms, countries, places, even different centuries are, lack of a better word, amazing! Not only that, but music has the wonderful ability to take us back to moments in our own lives (whether we like to remember them or not) and even drive us to liveliness in the very moment we're experiencing it. The world of music is jam-packed full of albums and recordings such as these. A lot of people, including myself, believe that music is the glue to life. Without it, everything would be lacking some sort of "adhesive", if you will, to stay intact for more than a few moments.

In this blog most of my opinions will be positive, no doubt (I've never been much of a snob when it comes to this sort of thing), so you don't necessarily have to pay attention to that. If you happen to fall upon this tiny little blog somewhere in cyberspace, may it inspire you to listen, share and maybe even love the music for years to come.

Tom Moon (author of 1000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die) said it best when his astute mind came up with this slogan: "The more you love music, the more music you love."

Amen, fellow listener, amen.

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