Monday, December 28, 2009

Let The Vocals Take Over

Harmony! Sweet, sweet harmony!

Fleet Foxes "Fleet Foxes"

The album starts off with vocal harmonization that takes us back to the sweet days of one-take bluegrass. Without any hesitation a delightful scene is drawn out before us. The pulsing guitar representing the beginning of a new day (hence the title "Sun It Rises"). The album continues with a sense of joy, a celebration of sound; "White Winter Hymnal", "Ragged Wood", both fine examples of this. Each cut flows into the next like waves hitting the shore. Giving every song the same flow, but still very pleasing to the ear.

Reverberation is one of the ongoing sounds of the album and, in my opinion, the most prominent. It gives the songs somewhat of an ancient "medieval" feeling. Which seems to be the theme the band is going for. The vocals of Robin Pecknold , along with the harmonies supplied by band-mates Christian Wargo, Casey Wescott, Josh Tillman and Skyler Skjelsetey surround you. Make you feel calm and nearly satisfy with the same flow and grace as Simon & Garfunkel. The organic compositions on this record are a perfect example of recordings that transport us to other times and places.

Is the album worth picking at the local record shop? Yes. Will you be disappointed? Most likely not. When can we expect more Fleet Foxes? Hopefully soon!

Thanks to my good friend Miles for the suggestion!

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