Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Goodness me!

For the love of all things holy and just!

My last post was in January??


I appologize, dear interweb! I did not mean for us to be split apart by life's crazy happenings, but life does happen. As well as many wonderous musical things! SO many! Woo hoo! I've been to concerts, I've played for/ with some great people, I've heard some great new music, and..... life is good. Really good.

As far as all new musical things go, I will let you in on everything! One entry in this blip of a blog at a time!

In this entry I will just say this: If you haven't heard the band Mumford & Sons yet, please look them up! Their album is called "Sigh No More".

Say no more.

What I'm listening to: